Lions. They are fierce, powerful and unyielding to the cries of their prey. Their audacious roars can be heard from five miles away. Is your anxiety on the prowl? Do you hear the roar of the lion when you wake up in the morning? Do you feel the pressure of a four hundred pound beast on your chest when you are faced with uncertainties? It may seem inconceivable, but the truth is that you are the king of your jungle, not your anxiety! Just like lions can be tamed to deliver jaw-dropping performances of gentleness; your anxiety can be tamed to bring you peace!
Anxiety can be tamed by facing it head on with education and strategies to neutralize the emotional charge and placing it in the proper perspective to be helpful. For instance, did you know that it is physiologically impossible to be anxious and relaxed at the same time? It would stand to reason, then, that practicing relaxation techniques on a consistent basis would be advantageous! It doesn't have be anything complicated; just S-L-O-W deep breaths. Be sure to breathe from your abdomen to increase your oxygen supply to the brain. Go ahead and try a few right now; breathe in deeply and slowly to a count of 4, pause for 2 seconds, and then exhale slowly to a count of 4. When you exhale slowly, you will feel the tension releasing as your shoulders drop and you let your body go limp. Do this 2-3 times daily and you will noticeably see a difference in your stress and anxiety levels!
Anxiety can be tamed by facing it head on with education and strategies to neutralize the emotional charge and placing it in the proper perspective to be helpful. For instance, did you know that it is physiologically impossible to be anxious and relaxed at the same time? It would stand to reason, then, that practicing relaxation techniques on a consistent basis would be advantageous! It doesn't have be anything complicated; just S-L-O-W deep breaths. Be sure to breathe from your abdomen to increase your oxygen supply to the brain. Go ahead and try a few right now; breathe in deeply and slowly to a count of 4, pause for 2 seconds, and then exhale slowly to a count of 4. When you exhale slowly, you will feel the tension releasing as your shoulders drop and you let your body go limp. Do this 2-3 times daily and you will noticeably see a difference in your stress and anxiety levels!